How To Integrate WordPress SMS With Your Virtual Number and WP SMS enable you to receive incoming messages on your website’s inbox. This feature allows businesses and website owners to:
- Communicate with customers via SMS
- Manage SMS communications from the WordPress dashboard
- Receive and respond to text messages from visitors
This plugin streamlines SMS interactions, enhancing organization and responsiveness for various types of websites.

Step 1: Install WP SMS Two Way.
Click on Add Ons –> WP SMS Two Way –> Buy Add On
Please note: If you haven’t set up WP SMS for WordPress yet you can see our full step-by-step guide here).

Step 2: Connect your SMS Gateway to WP SMS Two Way:
Go to SMS → Settings → Two Way and copy the generated webhook URL.

Step 3: Log in to with our username and password.

Step 4: Click on Virtual Numbers (left hand menu)

Step 5: Click on the pencil icon on the virtual number

Step 6: Paste the Webhook URL on the Callback URL field.