New customers are skeptical. They research for different solutions online. From that bunch they reduce their options down to 2 or 3. They look for reviews and best prices. They talk with their friends and ask for their opinions etc. All of this happens before you even hear from them. But sometimes even after […]
20 Promotional Offers To Generate More Customer Leads
October 9th, 20185 Tips For Creating Sales Content For Your Fitness Business
September 20th, 2018How do you develop fitness content marketing that actually sells? The fitness industry is an insanely competitive battleground. I get it. Content creation can be a real pain to produce. You have a product to promote and sell. You spend hours tapping out words on your keyboard producing beautiful content and then… Not much happens. […]
9 Must-Know Mobile Marketing Facts For Business Owners
September 13th, 2018Mobile is BIG. According to 19.7 million Australian’s own mobile phones. Google has now become mobile-first which means that it cares more about mobile users than computer users. Adopting a mobile marketing strategy is now an essential part of any customer growth strategy and should soon begin to make up the bulk of your […]
3 SMS Marketing Tricks That Boost Sales
August 9th, 2018When looking for SMS marketing advice you’re typically fed boring “insights” like: Keep it short (obviously) Don’t use text speak Give details Use a call to action If you’re reading this post then I’m sure you don’t need someone telling you to keep your text message short. Instead, you may be looking for some ideas […]
6 SMS Marketing Tips For Real Estate Agents
August 7th, 2018Home buying comes with a long sales cycle often times starting with the home buyer doing a ton of research before your even see them which is real estate SMS marketing is an effective selling tool. The goal with SMS is to begin a conversation as early as possible into the buying process so you […]
Are You Making These 13 SMS Marketing Mistakes?
July 27th, 2018In this article we’ll take a look at 13 SMS marketing mistakes that businesses and marketers make including: Not knowing Your Customer Avatar Failing To Build A Responsive List Of Eager Customers Plus The Homer Simpson Test Not Mapping A Customer Buying Path Not Creating Subscriber Buckets Locking Yourself Inside The 160 Character Prison […]
Steal These 37 Text Messaging Templates For Your Business
July 25th, 2018What does the most effective, eyeball-grabbing SMS look like? The good news is that SMS messages by their very nature are eyeball-grabbing since it is delivered to the mobile phone which creates instant curiosity for the recipient. But what makes them effective comes largely down to: Who you are sending the message to and… What […]
4 SMS Solutions To Recover Lost Sales Revenue
July 23rd, 2018When you’re tasked with generating more sales revenue, the first thing most companies will do is start spending more money on marketing, train their sales teams and arm them with the newest pitch materials. Or worse, starting cutting “costs.” What they don’t tend to do is look for growth potential that already exists inside the […]
How To Send Texts Internationally From Australia
July 11th, 2018Text messaging is quick,easy and is still one of the most popular ways for people to connect with one another around the globe and a common question that is asked is how to actually make sure your SMS is received by the intended recipient. In this article we’ll look at: How to send a text […]
5 Ways SMS Marketing Helps Small Businesses Win
June 29th, 2018Up until the late 90’s consumers congregated across limited channels typically TV, radio, newspaper so it was fairly easy to get to them but today the market is fragmented, it’s a mess, consumers hangout on search, social media, email, websites/blogs, news sites, YouTube and now mobile which spreads the marketing budget even thinner. But even […]