We have many clubs, associations, and religious groups that use our SMS services to help their members stay up to date with current activities and events.
Instant SMS delivery
Currently used by our clients who need to relay specific information quickly for example sports results or update members on available openings (e.g. tennis practice openings for the day).
Send News Updates In Seconds
Using our bulk SMS feature you can deliver important news items to your entire database instantly from either your mobile device or computer – write your news update, select the contact group who should receive that message, schedule or click send and within minutes your member base will be reading your news.
Within seconds everyone in that group will receive the update.
Group Messaging
With our group messaging feature clubs can give people in a contact group rights to allow them to send Group SMS to all members in the group from their mobile phone.
This feature can be handy for social or sports clubs where a few members of the club (eg: leaders of the club) need to constantly send messages to everybody in the club.
For example, anyone in the group can send a message to a group by sending a text message with: "SEND8987 followed by the message" to number 0401 463595. For example, "SEND8987 Hello. Tomorrow we have a meeting at 10am". This message will then be sent to all the people in your messaging contact group.
Schedule SMS blasts
If you plan out times tables or events weeks or months in advance, 160.com.au’s scheduling features allows you to set and forget so you can work on other tasks.
SMS Delivers Close To 100% Open Rates
Currently, no other communication channel offers this kind of contact rate. If you need to ensure that your message not only gets delivered but also read then SMS is the perfect channel.